Orthodontiste Tunisie - Traitement Orthodontique

A propos de Dr Amina Ben Salem Saied

About Us


Since I was very young, I was fascinated by science, but I also always had the desire to help and make a positive impact in people's lives, which led me to pursue a specialization in Orthodontics.

I earned my state diploma as a specialist in Dentofacial Orthopedics from the Faculty of Dental Medicine in Monastir

Today, I truly enjoy working with patients on a daily basis and enhancing their smiles using the most innovative orthodontic solutions and technologies.

Pour toute la famille

Our treatments

Orthodontic Appliances

L’appareillage métallique

Metal orthodontic appliances are what most people envision when they think of braces and remain by far the most popular option.
In recent years, there have been significant technological advances in these types of appliances, notably the PITTS 21 self-ligating orthodontic appliance, which features a smaller size and reduced thickness, providing increased comfort to the patient, along with accelerated treatment and fewer adjustment appointments.

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Orthodontic Appliances

L’appareillage Céramique

For those who want straight teeth but don't want the appearance of metal braces, we offer ceramic appliances. They are just as effective and work the same way as metal brackets but are much less visible because they are clear.

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Alternative esthétique par


It's an aesthetic alternative to conventional braces. You achieve the confident smile you want without the need for metal brackets or wires.
Orthodontic Studio is proud to offer this orthodontic revolution.

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The treatment of

L’apnée de sommeil

For those who want straight teeth but don't want the appearance of metal braces, we offer ceramic appliances. They are just as effective and work the same way as metal brackets but are much less visible because they are clear.

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The treatment by

Les mini-vis

It is an innovation in orthodontics that has revolutionized
The clinical approach to orthodontic treatment.
These devices simplify the alignment of the teeth and
While optimizing the clinical and aesthetic outcome for your jaws.

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Chez Orthodontic Studio, nous proposons des traitements orthodontiques adaptés à tous les âges, incluant des appareils traditionnels et des aligneurs invisibles pour répondre à chaque besoin. Prenez rendez-vous facilement en ligne ou par téléphone, et notre équipe vous accompagnera tout au long de votre parcours vers un sourire parfait.

Technologies de pointe

L’Art de l’Orthodontie

Chez Orthodontic Studio, le Dr. Grâce à des techniques avant-gardistes, nous offrons à nos patients des solutions orthodontiques aux technologies les plus avancées. Nous utilisons la modélisation 3D pour élaborer des plans de traitement sur mesure, permettant une visualisation détaillée des mouvements dentaires avant même le début du processus. Cette approche garantit un alignement précis et prévisible des dents, tout en réduisant la durée du traitement. Grâce à des techniques avant-gardistes, nous offrons à nos patients des solutions orthodontiques plus confortables, efficaces et esthétiques, leur assurant ainsi des résultats optimaux et durables.


Pour faciliter la communication pendant votre traitement, notre cabinet utilise l’application Dentapoche !


Le logiciel de gestion de cabinet d’orthodontie, n°1 en France.


Frequently Asked Questions

Orthodontic studio
Why should I undergo orthodontic treatment?
There are two good reasons: aesthetics and function. Having a beautiful smile not only changes how people see you but also boosts your confidence.
Orthodontic treatment also allows your teeth to function better and makes them easier to clean, which can improve your overall health.
When should I start orthodontic treatment?
It's never too late to start orthodontic treatment, but if you begin earlier, your issues may be easier to address. The American Association of Orthodontics recommends that the first visit to an orthodontist should occur at the age of 7.
How long will the treatment last?
It varies for each patient, but typically, the active phase of treatment (wearing orthodontic appliances) can range from 6 to 30 months. After that, a retainer is worn.
Should I be careful about what I eat?
Yes, you should avoid certain types of foods that could damage or get stuck in your orthodontic appliances. Some of these include raw vegetables, hard candies, caramel... We will provide you with a list of foods to avoid.
Are orthodontic treatments very expensive?
Orthodontic treatments are a long-term investment in your health and well-being. Many financing options are available to make orthodontic care affordable. When compared to the actual cost of living with dental problems, orthodontic treatment can be a wise investment.
Because you are special we are specialized

Dr Amina Ben Salem Saied