De nos jours les parents semblent avoir un emploi du temps assez chargé entre le travail, ramener les enfants à l’école , les
Even with so much on your plate,most parents still make sure that everyone is brushing their teeth before bed and seeing the dentist regularly.
le monde se brosse les dents avant de se coucher et de voir le dentiste régulièrement. Bien que l’importance des soins dentaires
first orthodontic evaluation by around seven years old. Many people tend to associate orthodontics with tweens and teens,so this can be surprising! 
Children  this age still have their baby teeth and a developing mouth. But, that’s actually what makes it an ideal time to introduce orthodontic care.

Orthodontie pour les enfants préadolescents

Beaucoup de gens ont tendance à associer l’orthodontie aux préadolescents et aux adolescents, cela peut donc être surprenant !
By having an experienced Tempe orthodontist like our doctor thoroughly examine your child’s mouth,potential issues can be diagnosed and corrected before they have the chance to become more serious.
This helps to prevent any negative impact on their future permanent teeth,
enfants sont tres bénéfiques. En demandant à des orthodontistes expérimentés comme nos médecins d’examiner minutieusement
your child's mouth, potential problems can be diagnosed and corrected before they have a chance to
At Dunn Orthodontics, we treat many young patients and have seen firsthand how tackling problems early on can make a positive difference to their overall oral
health as they grow.

Témoignage de l’Orthodontic Studio : L’impact positif du traitement précoce

Chez Orthodontic Studio, nous traitons de nombreux jeunes patients et avons pu constater comment le fait de s’attaquer aux
orthodontic evaluation  by seven years old.

At their initial examination, our doctors will be looking for several things to indicate a possible need for orthodontic treatment. 
 So,  does your child need braces?  

Lors de leur examen initial, nos médecins rechercheront plusieurs éléments pour indiquer un éventuel besoin de traitement
and what you can expect from this first visit!